ACP-105 SARM – Shocking Truth They Are Not Telling You!

Chances are you’ve never heard of the SARM before. It is called ACP-105 and has been around since 2009, making it one of the newer SARMs. The reason why not a lot of individuals are familiar with the ACP-105 SARM is there is not a whole lot of information out there on it.

This SARM was designed by a Swedish Pharmaceutical firm called Acadia. It’s said that ACP is comparable to Testosterone mainly because of its powerful anabolic effects.

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I’m planning to do my best and supply you guys with everything that is known about ACP105 but the information is quite limited. Let’s dive right into it!


ACP-105 belongs to the family of SARMs. Just like other SARMs, ACP binds to the androgen receptors in the bone and muscle tissues. SARMs like ACP105 were mainly supposed to be a more powerful choice to prohormones and AAS.

Just as with AC-262,536, the study on the ACP-105 SARM is next to nothing, which is why most people won’t even look at exploring with it.

Image result for WHAT IS ACP-105?

However, based on the study we do have ACP-105 has revealed to possess powerful anabolic effects whilst barely having any influence on the prostate cancer. Remember that this study was conducted on rats, not humans.


In all honesty, nobody actually knows how powerful the ACP-105 SARM is. It’s said that the chemical’s anabolic to androgenic ratio is roughly 3 to 1.

To put things in perspective, it is stated that LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) has a ratio of 10:1. This makes ACP a lot weaker than LGD-4033. I know this might not be very useful but it sort of gives you an idea what ACP105 is capable of.

Animal studies reveal that ACP-105’s activity is comparative to that of Testosterone. But, remember that there is not a great deal of information known to go by. Most individuals are only taking guesses when they’re speaking about the potency of ACP-105.

If it comes to suppression, it is apparently somewhat minimal. Since this SARM is simply a partial agonist, it is not quite as suppressive as other SARMs like RAD-140.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t require a SARMs PCT. It’s always a fantastic idea to have one on hand since everybody is different when it comes down to hormone suppression.

Studies also revealed that ACP-105 may offer protection against the effects of radiation.


The studies were performed on rats, they were awarded 1mg/kg per day. The human equivalent would be 11mg daily to get a 175lbs male.

It’s also worth mentioning that ACP can be detected in doping tests.


Most users who have explored with ACP seem quite satisfied with the results they’ve gotten. They do mention it’s quite weak compared to other SARMs they’ve researched with. That of course does not mean it’s entirely useless.

The key things to expect are a significant increase in muscle, strength gains and maybe even endurance. On account of the high anabolic activity that ACP has, you can definitely expect fantastic results.

But dont expect them to be as great as using a SARM such as Andarine.


The principal issue with ACP-105 is there is no information on it. Most researchers will opt to choose another sort of SARM, choose MK-2866 for example. There is a whole lot more known around Ostarine compared to ACP-105 and it is very effective.

With that said, should you intend to research with this chemical be sure that you purchase it from a legitimate source.

We may know more about ACP-105 later on but for now, I suggest taking a look at Unique SARMs like LGD-4033 and Testolone.