Superdrol: The Strongest Oral Out There?


Methasterone, also known as Superdrol or methyldrostanolone is one of the strongest orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) out there. Methasterone (Superdrol) was made back in the 1950s but was not available as a prescription medication.

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Although Methasterone itself was not available to the general public, the non-17α-alkylated counterpart of Methasterone was distributed under the title Masteron.

The title Superdrol might seem familiar to you — It was actually the name of a nutritional supplement comprising methasterone. This product was promoted as a prohormone or even a dietary supplement, which may not be incorrect.

Once this captured the FDA’s attention back in 2006, they forced the newest Superdrol to be stopped. In 2012, Methasterone was completely banned altogether — making it a controlled substance similar to all other AAS.

Luckily, there are still excellent alternatives for this compound. My personal favourite options for gaining bulk are 1-Andro and 4-Andro which are still legal.

A couple of decades later Methasterone remains widely used at the bodybuilding scene and it is said to be one of the most powerful oral steroids out there.

But this chemical ought to be used with care since it is proven to be quite hepatotoxic.


Obviously, there’s a reason Superdrol has been cited as one of the most powerful orals out there. People who have taken it will know what I am talking about, this stuff isn’t a joke.

The benefits you’re in a position to get from 10 or 20mg of Superdrol are insane, particularly when your diet and training is in check.

The great thing about this compound is that you can use it equally for bulking and cutting. You can expect significant lean muscle mass gains if using Superdrol.

You can easily expect to pack on 10lbs of muscle while shooting 10-20mg it for 4 weeks.

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Another thing worth mentioning Superdrol is that it makes you strong.

Ask anyone that has used Superdrol, it is possibly the first thing they will mention. It’s famous for its strength benefits, you are likely to improve your strength by at least 25% in a cycle.

Just like with Dianabol, Superdrol is often utilized as a kick starter for a cycle. This will make you appear more fuller. Striations and vascularity may also increase whilst running this particular compound.


Aside from the fact that SD is a very strong compound, it can be very liver toxic. This is the most important reason for most people to steer away from it.

You will find tons of reports of individuals with liver damage and elevated liver enzymes after conducting Superdrol.

If you abuse this chemical, you are going to wind up with liver damage. Seriously, do not run this material for more than 4 to 6 weeks. Apart from that, it could be a good idea to have blood work done before your cycle. This way you’ll have the ability to see the impact Superdrol can have.

That is the reason it’s advised to decide on the new production prohormones by Steel Supplements. They’re just as effective yet carry far less side effects.

SD can also result in water retention and even Gynecomastia. In addition to that, it will also suppress your natural testosterone levels exactly as with other AAS do.

This means you may also need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) such as Nolvadex or Clomid.

Some users also mention appetite suppression and lethargy whilst online bicycle. These two side effects can be quite a problem as they will affect your daily routine. The most reported side effects of Superdrol are:

  • Acne
  • Lethargy
  • Hepatoxicity
  • Shin splints
  • Libido loss

Not everyone seems to experience the side effects, there are reports of people using superdrol rather than having a single side effect at all. If you’re interested in finding an alternative to Superdrol, I’d recommend checking out SARMs. It is stated that some SARMs like RAD-140 (Testolone) and YK-11 have comparable consequences to SD.

Also, be sure to check out the next video about Superdrol’s side effects. These guys are bodybuilders and have a good deal of expertise with the chemical and its side effects.

If you do choose to conduct SD be sure to do enough research. This is essential if you want to stay safe whilst conducting this particular compound.

It is strongly suggested that you run a Cycle support product if you are going to get Superdrol.

This will help protect the liver and other organs.


There are various approaches you can take when it comes to running superdrol cycles. A lot of those who have never touched it before can choose to run it in 10 to 20mg.

Experienced users will frequently go with anywhere from 20 or even 30mg, with a few even pushing the upper limit of 40mg a day. Bear in mind that higher dosages will probably result in more side effects like lethargy.

It’s highly advised to run a test base with this compound. Most people will pick either Sustanon or Testosterone Enanthate.

To give you an idea of how successful this chemical is, here is what a steroid forum user had to say about it:

It works WELL at only 10mg/day, it works AMAZINGLY in 20mg/day, as for 30mg/day you truly don’t require that much. You may realize that 10mg/day for ~6 months is much better compared to 30mg/day for ~4 weeks.

As you can see, 20mg appears to be the sweet spot for most users. I would certainly not recommend taking more than 20mg a day depending on the research I’ve done.

Most superdrol cycles will last anywhere from 4 to 6 months. Your liver will

This is how the Normal superdrol cycles look like:

Superdrol cycles

You may often see people running this chemical as a Kickstarter to get a burst and railroad cycle. There are not a lot of individuals who operate SD by itself mainly because it is not worth doing so.

If this oral is stacked with Trenbolone you can expect mad outcomes. You will see a lot of bodybuilders doing this since they create a synergetic effect.


Superdrol is notorious for giving excellent results. Most users appear to easily pack roughly 10lbs of muscle within the course of 4-6 weeks.

Superdrol seems to truly shine once it is combined with other AAS.

Superdrol results

As you can see the results are very remarkable whilst just running it for 3 months. The dose was 20mg a day, which seems to moderate. This chemical is really ideal for putting on mass very fast.

Another factor worth mentioning is that your strength will increase tremendously. Adding 50lbs to a main lifts within the course of 4 months isn’t unheard of.

Superdrol is my favorite compound, even over tren. No aromatization, a few acne, no other sides. I don’t even get calf or back pumps. Wonderful size gains and strength gains. The very best part of this Superdrol was the psychological increase — it was like tren without all of the mental sides. Cloud nine all the time, libido fantastic, confidence good. Super clean atmosphere.

As you can see not everyone has all side effects when running SD. When talking about superdrol outcomes, you may always see people mentioning the insane size and strength increases.

It can definitely give you amazing results, I would suggest having a look at the next video. These bodybuilders will share their experiences with SD and the results it had.


Unfortunately, superdrol is currently a schedule III controlled substance and prohibited.

Maybe you may get some on the black market, but I wouldn’t suggest getting it there. After doing a great deal of research we have discovered some other options that can increase strength and mass gains.

For putting on size quickly, lawful prohormones are very interesting. I’ve discovered the products by Steel Supplements to be amazing at improving performance, mass and strength.

I’ve personally used 1-Andro, 4-Andro and Epiandrosterone which all gave impressive results.

I was able to acquire a good amount of muscle mass and stamina in a short period of time. The excellent thing is that they barely had any side effects.